
Agar del Pacífico S.A., a for short, was founded in 1994. It is a producer of food grade Agar-Agar from Gracilaria in Chile. It built it´s industrial facilities by the city of Concepción, which is in the center of the raw material producing zone that extends for 2000 km from Caldera in the North to Castro in the Southern island of Chiloé. Since 100% of this seaweed is farmed and harvested by local producers the availability of the raw material is assured.
The Company started with 64 employees in the production of Agar and because we are applying the latest technology, we are the most efficient plant in Chile.
Our product development strategies, based on close adherence to customer requirements has made it possible for us to make special agars to fit their specific needs.

Since 1998 a has been regularly exporting to:


-Europe: Holland, Germany, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Hungary, Russia.

-Asia: Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, Singapur,Taiwán,China.

-Asia Central: Azerbaiyan, Uzbequistán,Siria, Armenia, Turquia.

and has been able to place in these foreign markets many millions of dollars worth of Agar Agar produced by our factory in Chile.