That is the agar-agar

The agar-agar is an extract of color cream - white that is obtained of different types of red algae, since for example gelidium or Gracialaria, and though principally they retire in the Atlantic Ocean, also we can find them in the Cantabrian sea and Pacific Ocean.

Due to his capacity of absorver water is in use in kitchen for thickening and gelificar food, already be sweet or salty, without adding any flavor.

The agar-agar is very rich in soluble fiber and minerals, for what it helps to regulate the intestinal traffic, cholesterol, diabetes, and to anticipate the overweight.

The different ways of finding the agar-agar on the market are: in powder, snowflakes, strips or bars. But the agar-agar in powder and snowflakes is that it contains major proportion of natural fiber, for being more concentrated, and is easier to use in kitchen.

Agarpac's projections for the year 2011

          ss, Producing company of agar agar that was initiating his activities in the middle of ' 90, it announced the extension of his current capacity of 240 t to 500 t annual of production, which will be reached at the end of the first quarter of 2011.

The major production will transform to the company in one of five principal ones worldwide, guaranteeing the Chilean position that reaches with 25 % of the world production.


Chile on the world market of the agar-agar

Chile exports to 40 countries and is the major world producer, standing out for his quality. In effect, from the 7.500 t that move in one year, approximately 2.500 come from our country, from agreement with informed in Strategy.
" In Chile 90 % of the algae is cultivated graciláreas that are used to produce the agar agar, because of it that is possible to think of including markets without problem ", commented Michael Depolo, general manager of Algamar, principal Chilean exporting company of this product. It is for it that the country presents competitive advantages opposite to his principal competitors, who are China and Morocco.

        Chile exports this " white powder " from the 70s, coming to all the continents. His principal destinations are Japan, Russia and The United States, which, close to other world markets, totalized US$ 46 millions in 2006. From January, 2007 to the date, the export reaches US$ 35 millions, which shows the increasing demand of the product